Our quality
We continuously strive to develop our products while maintaining our high quality standards.
All DNA Medical products fulfill the requirements of international quality standards, and all of theme are CE Certified.
In addition to that, our company has ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System and ISO 13485: 2016 Medical Medical Devices Quality Management System certificates.
Quality Manager

Our quality policy;
As DNA Medical, we are committed to design, develop and deliver the products and services that constantly meet our customer and employee expectations by;
• Competing successfully in domestic and foreign markets without compromising the quality.
• Fully understanding the expectations and needs of the customers and meeting these expectations with the most appropriate solutions.
• Creating a sustainable customer relationship.
• Raising the awareness of our customers about the products that do not comply with the required standards and laws, and activating legal mechanisms against such manufacturers.
• Working with experts in every field.
• Fulfilling all requirements for Occupational Health and Safety without compromising them.
• Never losing the consciousness that we entrust people's health.
• Keeping customer satisfaction about products and services we provide at the highest levels.
• Creating a safe, healthy, efficient and peaceful work environment.
• Adopting the Kaizen principle as our core competence to keep pace with the developing technology.
• Ensuring permanent trust and positive communication between our employees and company.
• Meeting the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system continuously applicable by auditing.
• Ensuring the brand awareness to be developed for both our employees and our customers.